a1e5b628f3 Princeton Architectural Press, 2000: 234 [6] Steven Holl. Architecture Spoken. Rizzoli. 2007: 106 [7] [6] [8] Steven Holl. Urbanism: Working with Doubt. Princeton . Steven Holl: Architecture Spoken offers the reader unprecedented access to the thought processes and work of this groundbreaking, cutting-edge architect through his . Helsinki:Rakennustieto, 2006 ISBN 9789516828063 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 MAC Architecture spoken / Steven Holl , with a foreword by Lebbeus Woods New York . Steven Holl is an American architect and watercolorist, who was born December 9, 1947. . Holl, S. (2007). Architecture spoken. New York, NY: Rizzoli. Steven Holl, whose firm, Steven Holl Architects, designed IITs inaugural Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize finalist Bloch Building at the Nelson-Atkins Museum
Steven Holl Architecture Spoken
Updated: Dec 10, 2020